Advanced Therapeutic Exercise

Cost Duration Intended Audience Format Link to Register
$500 7 modules Practicing physical therapists Online REGISTER
Course Overview

This course is designed to expand on your basic understanding of therapeutic exercise selection and application.  The course is comprised of seven modules that will integrate asynchronous lectures reviewing evidence-based treatment strategies and lab material on commonly performed exercises.  Each module begins with required readings and concludes with an assignment based on the readings and lecture material.

Intended Audience

This course is intended for practicing physical therapists.

Start Date and Duration

This course is open for continuous enrollment and can be completed within 35 hours. 


The cost of the course is $500.

Type of Certificate or CEU Offered

You will earn 35 CEUs upon completion of this course. 

Participant Expectations and Components of the Course

The course is comprised of seven modules that will integrate asynchronous lectures reviewing evidence-based treatment strategies and lab material on commonly performed exercises.

The course format will consist of required readings, asynchronous lecture and lab material.  In order to complete the course and earn continuing education credits, the participant must:

  • Complete each module: Students must read all of the assigned readings and watch each video.
  • Assignments: Students must complete the assigned questions in each module related to the required readings and lecture material.
Featured Instructors
Faculty Name and Bio
"Rick Joreitz"

Richard Joreitz

Contact Information and Additional Detail
For more information, please contact Richard Joreitz.